
To put an item on eBay you will need to pay 15 cents for items priced 99 cents to just under 10 dollars and four dollars for items starting at five hundred dollars or more.

Free Sites:
Sites with cheap listing fees:
Amazon: Listing fees of 10 US cents on all items. Once the sale goes through expect to pay Amazon between 5% and 25 dollars 63 cents plus 1.25%.
Audiogon: A four US dollar listing charge. Final value fees start at 50 cents for items priced up to 10 dollars and go up to only 10 dollars on items 1000 dollars or more.
The damage starts at 10 cents for listings valued up to 100 dollars and ending at only one dollar, fifty cents for items over 10,000 dollars.
Final commission starts at 6.9% and go up to 71 dollars 10 cents plus 1.9% on items over 1500 dollars with a maximum final charge of 149 dollars.


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